Sprite 1984 - 1993
Sprite 1984 - 1993.iso
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133 lines
LID User Commands LID
lid, gid, eid, aid - query id database
lliidd [--fffile] [--uun] [--eeddooxxaammssee]] patterns...
ggiidd [--fffile] [--eeddooxxaammssee]] patterns...
eeiidd [--fffile] [--ddooxxaammssee]] patterns...
aaiidd [--fffile] [--ddooxxaammss]] patterns...
These commands provide a flexible query interface to the _i_d
database. _L_i_d does a lookup on _p_a_t_t_e_r_n_s and prints out
lines in this way:
idname ../hdir/hfile.h ../cdir/{cfile1,cfile2}.c
Notice that multiple files with the same directory prefix
and suffix are concatenated in the globbing-set-notation of
_c_s_h(1). Also notice that all of the _i_d database query com-
mands adjust the list of pathnames to be relative to your
current working directory, provided that _m_k_i_d(1) was used to
build the database, and your working directory is located
within the sub-tree covered by the _i_d database.
If multiple names match on pattern, then there will be one
line of output per name. The mnemonic significance of the
name is _l(_o_o_k_u_p) _i_d.
_G_i_d does a lookup and then searches for the names it matches
in the files where they occur. The mnemonic for this name
is _g(_r_e_p)_i_d.
_E_i_d does a lookup, and then invokes an editor on all files
with the matched name as an initial search string. Of
course, this name stands for _e(_d_i_t) _i_d.
_E_i_d uses four environment variables to control its invoca-
tion of the editor. Naturally, EEDDIITTOORR is used to locate the
editing program. EEIIDDAARRGG is a _p_r_i_n_t_f(3S) string used to
specify the form of the initial-search-string argument. If
the editor does not support such an argument, this variable
may be left unset. EEIIDDLLDDEELL and EEIIDDRRDDEELL specify the form of
the left and right word-delimiters respectively. The best
way to explain the use of these last three variables is with
an example. Here are the proper settings for vi(1):
EIDARG='+/%s/' # initial search argument template
EIDLDEL='\<' # left word-delimiter
EIDRDEL='\>' # right word-delimiter
Sprite v1.0 1
LID User Commands LID
_P_a_t_t_e_r_n_s may be simple alpha-numeric strings, or regular
expressions in the style of _r_e_g_c_m_p(3). If the string con-
tains no regular-expression meta-characters, it is searched
for as a _w_o_r_d. If the string contains meta-characters, or
if the -e argument is supplied, it is searched for as
_A_i_d produces output in the style of _l_i_d but its pattern
arguments are searched for as substrings within the identif-
iers in the database. No regular-expression search is per-
formed, even if the pattern contains meta-characters. The
search is conducted in an alphabetic case insensitive
manner. The mnemonic for this name is _a(_p_r_o_p_o_s) _i_d.
The following options are recognized:
--fffile Use _f_i_l_e as the database instead of the default
--uun Lists all identifiers in the database that are
non-unique within the first _n characters. This
facility is particularly helpful when porting a
program to a system whose compiler or linker has
fewer significant characters for identifiers.
The remaining options are for use in conjunction with
numeric patterns:
--ddooxxaa These options may be specified in any combination.
They limit numeric matches to specific radixes.
The --dd, --oo, and --xx options limit matches to
decimal, octal, and hexadecimal respectively. The
--aa option is a shorthand for specifying all three
Searches for numbers are conducted numerically rather than
lexically, so that all representations for a given number
are potentially available from a single search.
--mm Merge multiple lines of output into a single line.
--ss Limit the results of the search to identifiers
that occur only once in the entire set of sources
covered by the database. This option is useful
for finding identifiers that are defined but never
mkid(1), fid(1).
Sprite v1.0 2